Mother’s Day Out
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be
the peace of your children.
—Isaiah 54:13
If you have questions regarding our Mother’s Day Out program,
please contact Jami Bennett at jbennett@covpres.com.
If you are interested in joining our Waitlist for the 2026-2027 school year, please complete the link below. Please note that the Priority Waitlist is for Covenant Presbyterian Church members and siblings of existing students only. If you are a community member, please complete the Community Waitlist form below.
We currently have a full waitlist for the 2025-2026 school year, but if you have any questions regarding enrollment for the 2025-2026, please email jbennett@covpres.com with any questions.
Our Mother's Day Out Ministry is more than babysitting. We believe it is possible to share the love of Christ with children beginning at birth. We aim to teach our children about God and to provide ways for each and every child to experience God's love.
Our program is designed to give children the opportunity to learn and grow in a healthy and safe environment. It is our desire for our children to feel loved, have fun, make friends and learn important socialization skills.
Wee Ones
(children who have not turned one before September 1 of the school year)
One, two or three days a week; Monday, Wednesday, and/or Friday
(children who have turned one before September 1 of the school year)
Two days a week; Wednesday and Friday
Three days a week; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
MDO Tuition Payment
You can pay your MDO tuition online using the link below. E-checks and ACH are accepted.
MDO Registration Fee Payment: $150
This payment is only for families who have received a 2024-2025 Registration Packet from the MDO office.
One Day - $95
Two Days - $210
Three Days - $240
MDO Registration Fee Payment: $150
This payment is only for families who have received a 2023-2024 Registration Packet from the MDO office.
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